Food Challenge

Freezer Challenge!

Good Morning! Happy Monday!


I have a freezer challenge that I am going to do after I realized that I have a lot of different foods in the freezer that I need to use up.  So for the next month or however long it takes me to eat through my freezer, every Monday I will be updating everyone on my challenge.  Remember I feed myself and Ryan (my partner), no kids. So going through the freezer will probably take a bit longer. I am wanting to cut down more on food waste and I also got this idea from a blogger I read. She does these challenges and you can check out her blog here!  I feel like I already do a good job not wasting food but me and Ryan want to be more intentional with it.


So Here we go! 

Bananas, left over spaghetti, Soy Chorizo, Chicken Strips









  1.  One bag of Bananas (Not Pictured a 2nd bag of Bananas!)- I made Banana Bread with chocolate chips.
  2. Leftover spaghetti! For Dinner I made that with chicken.
  3. ) The chicken strips in this photo, I boiled them, drained the water then I cut it up in small pieces and cooked it fully in a pan with mushrooms, peppers, onions. It was really good. I was not able to use up the whole bag but I did make a dent on the chicken. I put the other frozen leftovers in zip log bag. 
  4. ) Soy chorizo- I plan on cooking that this weekend. Ryan loves that Soy chorizo so I will make that for Brunch with some eggs. 

I will give an update on the food next week. From the picture only the Bananas have been used. 


Stay tune next week what I make with the rest of the food. 

I will also pull more foods from the freezer. I am excited for this challenge!! 

Any suggestions please comment them here! 

Will be back here tomorrow! 

If you have any recipe suggestions please leave them here.









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